.. index:: ! Item .. _item: Item Management =============== Contents: This guide will give you detailed information on menu items in NovaDine and show you how to set them up inside your menu. .. toctree:: :maxdepth: 3 .. _item: Item Overview ------------- In NovaDine, menu items are the individual items on your menu, typically grouped into categories. Items can also be picklist members and order level trigger items. You can find additional information regarding items in the sections below: * :ref:`Create New Items ` * :ref:`Edit Existing Items ` * :ref:`Add Item Image ` * :ref:`Edit Item Image ` * :ref:`Item Classes/Badges ` * :ref:`Item Nutrition ` * :ref:`Add Item to Category ` * :ref:`Change Item Display Order ` * :ref:`Item Sizes/Styles ` * :ref:`Condensing Menu Items Using Sizes and Styles ` * :ref:`Item Configurations/POS IDs ` * :ref:`Exclude Specific Items from Being Discounted with Use of Coupons ` * :ref:`Item Overrides ` * :ref:`Item Configuration Overrides ` * :ref:`Override Images for Item Configurations ` * :ref:`Override Prep Time for Item Configurations ` * :ref:`Override Service Type Exclusions for Item Configurations ` * :ref:`Item Pricing/Availabilty ` * :ref:`Activate/Deactivate an Item ` .. index:: ! Items, Local Menu, Master Menu .. _items: Create New Items ---------------- There are two ways to create new items in NovaDine and you will need to follow the instructions based on whether your locations are POS integrated. Please select one of the below for further details: * :ref:`Create New Items for POS Integrated Locations ` * :ref:`Create New Items for Non-POS Integrated Locations ` .. _newPOSitems: Create New Items (POS Locations) ```````````````````````````````` Upon menu export, any new items setup in the POS since last export will be exported to a *New Items* category. The *New Items* category is hidden by default, so it will not display items on the front end. The items will need to be in a category, active, enabled and have pricing before they will show on the front end for customer ordering. To add an item from *New Items* Category to your menu: 1. In the category to which you wish to add the new item, drilldown to item level 2. In the *Add Item* box, search for the preferred item by Item name, NovaDine item ID, or External ID and select it from the dropdown 3. Click on the item to add it to the category .. image:: images/MasterMenu/addnewitem1.jpg 4. To add or update pricing, see :ref:`Item Pricing/Availability ` 5. To add or update POS IDs and/or item configuration, see :ref:`Item Configurations/POS IDs ` 6. To activate, see :ref:`Activate/Deactivate an Item ` 7. To enable, see :ref:`Enable/Disable Item at Local Level ` .. note:: Items will stay listed in *New Items* category until manually removed. It is advised that you delete items from this category once they are assigned elsewhere for easier management .. _newnonPOSitems: Create New Items (Non-POS Locations) ```````````````````````````````````` To add an item for a non-POS integrated/PC location: 1. Drilldown to item level 2. Search and select the *New Item* from the dropdown 3. Enter the item information * **Item Name:** this is the name of the new item * **Ticket Name:** the item description that will show on the customer's receipt * **Short Description:** a brief description of the item * **Long Description:** a detailed description of the item * **Prep Time Minutes:** the amount of time it takes to prepare the item * **Prep Time As Additional Item:** the additional amount of time it takes to prepare another of the same item 4. Check the boxes next to each Service Type in which this item should be available 5. Select if this new item should be Active or Inactive 6. Enter a Start and/or End Date for the item, if applicable 7. Click *Create* 8. Please see :ref:`Item Pricing/Availability ` to specify pricing and availability for the new item .. index:: Item name, description, prep time .. _edititems: Edit an Existing Item --------------------- 1. Drilldown to item level 2. Click the name of the item that you wish to edit .. image:: images/MasterMenu/itemdrilldown.jpg 3. Edit item information, as needed * **Item Name:** this is the name of the new item * **Ticket Name:** the item description that will show on the customer's receipt * **Short Description:** a brief description of the item * **Long Description:** a detailed description of the item * **Prep Time Minutes:** the amount of time it takes to prepare the item * **Prep Time As Additional Item:** the additional amount of time it takes to prepare another of the same item 4. Check the boxes next to each Service Type in which this item should be available 5. Select time slots to restrict the item to, if applicable 6. Select if this new category should be *Active* or *Inactive* 7. Enter a Start and/or End Date for the item, if applicable 8. Click *Save* .. image:: images/MasterMenu/edititeminfo.jpg .. note:: DSPs only pull short descriptions. If you want item descriptions to display on a 3rd party provider, make sure the description is entered in the 'Short Description' field .. note:: If you are logged into an account with Management Access, you will be able to view the items on the front end outside of the item's designated Start and End Date. By design, we ignore item date restrictions for users with Management access; that allows you to test items before they become available to all users. .. index:: Item Image, Local Menu, Master Menu .. _addimage: Add Item image `````````````` To add an image to an item: 1. Drilldown to item level 2. Click |pic| to the right of the item .. image:: images/MasterMenu/additemimage.jpg 3. Click *Choose File* 4. Select the image file for the item 5. Click *Upload* .. image:: images/MasterMenu/uploadimage.jpg .. warning:: When adding images, always check work on front end to be sure it uploaded correctly .. note:: Standard menu images need to be 800x600px in png format .. _editimage: Edit Item image ``````````````` To edit an existing item image: 1. Drilldown to item level 2. Click |pic| to the right of the item .. image:: images/MasterMenu/additemimage.jpg 3. Click *Choose File* 4. Select the new image for the item 5. Click *Upload* .. image:: images/MasterMenu/uploadimage.jpg .. warning:: When updating existing images, you are uploading over the current image and it may cache the old image (try refreshing the page). Always check work on front end to be sure it uploaded correctly .. |pic| image:: images/MasterMenu/pic.jpg .. |dollar| image:: images/MasterMenu/dollar.jpg .. |disabled| image:: images/MasterMenu/disabled.jpg .. |enabled| image:: images/MasterMenu/enabled.jpg .. index:: Item Class, Item Badge, Badges, Classes, Local Menu, Master Menu .. _classbadge: Item Classes/Badges ``````````````````` Item classes and badges are labels that you can assign to certain items. For example, Spicy Chili might have a "Spicy" badge that displays with the item image on the front end when a customer is placing an order Assign Item Classes/Badges .......................... Assign an item class/badge: 1. Drilldown to item level 2. Click on the item name .. image:: images/MasterMenu/itemdrilldown.jpg 3. Select the sub-tab *Item Classes* 4. Click the |greenplus| to the right of the class/badge that you wish to assign to this item .. image:: images/MasterMenu/classes.jpg .. note:: Badge/class icons must be uploaded by NovaDine's development team prior to being able to assign them. If you would like to assign badges/classes to your items, please speak with your NovaDine representative. Delete Item Classes/Badges .......................... 1. Drilldown to item level 2. Click on the item name .. image:: images/MasterMenu/itemdrilldown.jpg 3. Select the sub-tab *Item Classes* 4. Click the |trash| to the right of the class/badge that you wish to delete from this item .. image:: images/MasterMenu/delclasses.jpg .. note:: A |greenplus| beside the class/badge means that particular badge is not assigned to the item and you would need to click the plus sign to add it. A |trash| beside the class/badge means that the badge is assigned and you would need to click the trash icon to delete it .. |greenplus| image:: images/MasterMenu/plusicon.jpg .. |trash| image:: images/MasterMenu/trashicon.jpg .. index:: ! Nutrition, Nutritional Information, Item Nutrition, Local Menu, Master Menu .. _nutrition: Item Nutrition `````````````` To enter/edit item nutrition information: 1. Drilldown to item level 2. Click the item name .. image:: images/MasterMenu/itemdrilldown.jpg 3. Select the sub-tab *Nutrition Info* 4. Enter the item's nutrition information and allergens, as needed 5. Click *Update Nutrition Info* .. image:: images/MasterMenu/nutritioninfo.jpg .. note:: If an item does not have any nutritional information entered here, the button will not display on the front end for a customer .. _addtocat: Add Item to Category ```````````````````` To assign an item to a category: 1. Drilldown to item level 2. In the *Add Item* box, search for the preferred item by Item name, NovaDine item ID, or External ID and select it from the dropdown 3. Click on the item to add it to the category .. image:: images/MasterMenu/addnewitem.jpg .. index:: Item, Display Order, Local Menu, Master Menu .. _display: Change Item Display Order ......................... To change the display order of items: 1. Drilldown to item level 2. Click and hold item that you wish to move .. image:: images/MasterMenu/itemhold.jpg 3. Drag and drop the item to the desired location .. image:: images/MasterMenu/dragdrop.jpg .. index:: Item Size, Item Style, Sizes, Styles, Local Menu, Master Menu .. _itemsizes: Item Sizes/Styles ````````````````` To assign sizes and/or styles to particular items: 1. Drilldown to item level 2. Click on the item name .. image:: images/MasterMenu/itemdrilldown.jpg 3. Select the *Item Config* sub-tab 4. Select the desired Size/Style from the corresponding dropdowns 5. Select *Add* to save the selected Size/Style as an item configuration .. image:: images/MasterMenu/sizesstyles.jpg .. index:: Item Size, Item Style, Sizes, Styles, Condense .. _condensing: Condensing Menu Items using Sizes/Styles ```````````````````````````````````````` After your menu imports, you may have multiple items that you'd like to condense into one. This is done by setting up sizes/styles to an item, and mapping the appropriate POS IDs in the item configuration. Please see steps below for direction: 1. Create new items and :ref:`assign styles/sizes ` 2. Navigate to the *Item Configuration* for each new item and :ref:`update the item configuration IDs ` for each configured style/size (Use the existing items' POS ID to populate this info) 3. De-activate any item configurations that will not be used on the front-end site (Not specified by style/size) 4. Save the IDs on this page 5. Navigate to the global pricing page and :ref:`update pricing ` based on the existing items' pricing, and set min qty to 1 6. :ref:`De-activate the existing items ` at the category level 7. Activate the new items (sized/styled) at the category level (so they show on the front-end) .. index:: Item Configuration, POS ID, External ID, Local Menu, Master Menu .. _itemconfig: Item Configurations/POS IDs ``````````````````````````` 1. Drilldown to item level 2. Click on the item name .. image:: images/MasterMenu/itemdrilldown.jpg 3. Select the *Item Config* sub-tab to view the sizes and styles available for the selected item 4. Enter or edit the External/POS ID of the item/size/style combination. This must match the External ID of the item in the POS. 5. Activate or deactivate item configurations, as needed. Simply uncheck the box and select *Update* to de-activate, or check the box and select *Update* to activate. 6. To remove an item, select the |deletex| next to the corresponding item configuration .. image:: images/MasterMenu/editconfig.jpg .. |deletex| image:: images/MasterMenu/redx.jpg .. _excfromcoup: Exclude Specific Items from being Discounted with use of Coupons ````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````` There could be certain items, like combos, that you wish to exclude from all discounts/coupons. This is done through the item's configuration. 1. Drilldown to item level 2. Click on the item name .. image:: images/MasterMenu/itemdrilldown.jpg 3. Select the *Item Config* sub-tab - this is where you can see the sizes and styles in which this item is available and exclude from discounts, if applicable 4. To exclude an item from being discounted with the use of coupons, deselect the checkbox under *Allow Discounts* to the right of the corresponding item 5. Click *Update* .. image:: images/MasterMenu/excludecoupons.jpg .. index:: Item Overrides, Overrides, Local Menu, Master Menu .. _itemoverrides: Item Overrides -------------- 1. Drilldown to item level 2. Click the |override| next to the item that you wish to override .. image:: images/MasterMenu/overrideitem.jpg 3. Enter override information * **Item Name:** this is the new/alternate name of the item (e.g., Item is named 'Brownie Sundae' on Master Menu, but should be called 'Brownie Sundae to-go' on Postmates Menu). You can leave this blank if you are overriding the item to be hidden from an order provider * **Short Description:** a brief description of the item (e.g., The 'Brownie Sundae to-go' might have an udpated description of 'Brownie with ice cream on the side' on Postmates Menu). You can leave this blank if you are overriding the item to be hidden from an order provider * **Long Description:** a more detailed description of the item (e.g., The 'Brownie Sundae to-go' might have an udpated description of 'Brownie with ice cream and hot fudge served in a separate container' on Postmates Menu). You can leave this blank if you are overriding the item to be hidden from an order provider * **Size Label:** an alternate name for the item's 'size' (e.g., you may have an item that, instead of asking the customer to choose a 'size', you want to ask them to choose a 'number of scoops' that they want for thier sundae) If it's not set, the default is 'Size' * **Style Label:** an alternate name for the item's 'style' (e.g., you may offer a vegetable pizza where you want the customer to be able to choose what type of crust they want for their pizza. Instead of the 'style' label, you might want it to display 'type of veggie crust' for that one item) If it's not set, the default is 'Style' 4. Select *Status*: if the item override should be Active, Inactive, or No Override * **Inactive:** the item will not be available for store's to use * **Active:** the item will be available for store's to use * **No Override:** does not override this setting .. 5. Select *Default Enabled*: if the item override should be Enabled, Disabled, or No Override by default * **Disabled:** each individual location will have to go in and enable the item for their store use * **Enabled:** each location will have item automatically enabled - they would have to go in and disable the item * **No Override:** does not override this setting .. 6. Enter a Start and/or End Date for the item, if applicable .. 7. Select and upload image file to override the main image on either desktop or mobile .. 8. Check the boxes next to each Platform in which this item override should appear (ex: check Call Center to only apply the override to the Call Center Platform) .. 9. Check the boxes next to each Mode in which this item override should appear (leave all checkboxes blank to override item in all modes) .. 10. Check the boxes next to the Order Provider that this override should apply to (e.g., check the box for GrubHub if you only want to apply the override to this particular item in the GrubHub menu) .. 11. Click *Save* .. image:: images/MasterMenu/itemoverride.jpg .. |override| image:: images/MasterMenu/overrideicon.jpg .. _itemconfigoverrides: Accessing Item Configuration Overrides `````````````````````````````````````` 1. Drilldown to item level 2. Click on the item name .. image:: images/MasterMenu/itemdrilldown.jpg 3. Select the *Item Config* sub-tab 4. Select the |override| icon next to the item configuration you wish to override .. image:: images/MasterMenu/itemconfigoverride.jpg 5. You can choose to override the item configuration for Prep Time, Additional Prep Time Minutes, Image, or Service Type Exclusions 6. Make any overrides needed and click *Submit* .. image:: images/MasterMenu/itemconfigoverride2.jpg .. _itemimageoverrides: Override Images for Item Configurations ``````````````````````````````````````` 1. Drilldown to item level 2. Click on the item name .. image:: images/MasterMenu/itemdrilldown.jpg 3. Select the *Item Config* sub-tab 4. Select the |override| icon next to the item configuration you wish to override .. image:: images/MasterMenu/itemconfigoverride.jpg 5. Select *Choose File* 6. Select the image you wish to upload 7. Select *Submit* .. image:: images/MasterMenu/itemconfigoverride1.jpg .. _overrideprep: Override Prep Time for Item Configurations `````````````````````````````````````````` 1. Drilldown to item level 2. Click on the item name .. image:: images/MasterMenu/itemdrilldown.jpg 3. Select the *Item Config* sub-tab 4. Select the |override| icon next to the item configuration you wish to override .. image:: images/MasterMenu/itemconfigoverride.jpg 5. Specify a number of minutes for *Prep Time Minutes Override* or *Additional Prep Time Minutes Override*, as needed. 6. Select *Submit* .. image:: images/MasterMenu/overrideprep.jpg .. _overrideST: Override Service Type Exclusions for Item Configurations ``````````````````````````````````````````````````````` 1. Drilldown to item level 2. Click on the item name .. image:: images/MasterMenu/itemdrilldown.jpg 3. Select the *Item Config* sub-tab 4. Select the |override| icon next to the item configuration you wish to override .. image:: images/MasterMenu/itemconfigoverride.jpg 5. Select the drop-down for *Exclude Service Types* 6. Select any service types that this item configuration should not be available for. 7. Select *Submit* .. image:: images/MasterMenu/overrideSTs.jpg .. index:: Items, Pricing, Availability, Local Menu, Master Menu .. _itemprice: Item Pricing/Availability ````````````````````````` To update item pricing and item availability: 1. Drilldown to item level 2. Click the |dollar| to the right of the item that you wish to update .. image:: images/MasterMenu/itemdollar.jpg .. 3. Select a specific mode from the dropdown and clicking *Switch* or choose All Modes to edit item information for all modes on one page 4. Update pricing for the item in the various modes 5. Edit item availability by checking the box next the |enabled| button to disable the item (turning it red/disabled after saving), or clicking the |disabled| button to enable the item (turning it green/enabled after saving) 6. Click *Save* .. image:: images/MasterMenu/itemavail.jpg .. index:: Activate Item, Deactivate Item, Local Menu, Master Menu .. _itemactivate: Activate/Deactivate an Item ``````````````````````````` To set an item status to Active or Inactive: 1. Drilldown to item level 2. Click the item name .. image:: images/MasterMenu/clickitemname.jpg .. 3. Enable the radio button next to Active or Inactive 4. Click *Save* .. image:: images/MasterMenu/itemactivate.jpg .. warning:: Marking an item inactive will remove the item from all categories that it is assigned to. Changes made at the item level trump all other settings