Customer Support Chat

Contents: This guide will show you how guests use the chat feature to get help from a customer service representative. This is a guest favorite, as they can get immediate help without having to call in or wait for an email reply.

How Guests Use Chat

In order for the guest to chat with a customer service representative, they would follow the below steps:

  1. Click on ‘Click here to get help’ to bring up the chat window



    Wording may differ based on chain or location

  2. Enter their name, email address, and a brief description of your question/issue and click ‘Initiate Chat’



    Wording may differ based on chain or location

  3. Once an agent joins the chat, the guest and agent will be able to communicate over the website. The chat feature also allows the customer to see when the agent is typing a response

  4. Guests can also use emojis to communicate with the customer service representative by clicking and selecting the appropriate emoji

  5. Guests can rate the chat conversation based on the level of service received by clicking and selecting the appropriate number of stars

  6. Under the ‘More’ drop-down, the guest can choose to turn on sound notifications, have a transcript of the chat sent to them upon completion, or send a file to the agent

  7. The emailed copy of the transcript will be delivered via email and contain the entire chat conversation for the guest’s reference
